
maix.nn module

You can use maix.nn to access this module with MaixPy
This module is generated from MaixPy and MaixCDK


module brief
F maix.nn.F module






Retinaface class

C++ defination code:

class Retinaface


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Constructor of Retinaface class

item description
type func
param model: model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

Retinaface(const string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: Model path want to load
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def detect(self, img: maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.4, iou_th: float = 0.45, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[...]

Detect objects from image

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, if image's size not match model input's, will auto resize with fit method.
conf_th: Confidence threshold, default 0.4.
iou_th: IoU threshold, default 0.45.
fit: Resize method, default image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
return Object list. In C++, you should delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::Object> *detect(image::Image &img, float conf_th = 0.4, float iou_th = 0.45, maix::image::Fit fit = maix::image::FIT_CONTAIN)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


MUD(model universal describe file) class

C++ defination code:

class MUD


def __init__(self, model_path: str = None) -> None

MUD constructor

item description
type func
param model_path: direction [in], model file path, model format can be MUD(model universal describe file) file.
If model_path set, will load model from file, load failed will raise err.Exception.
If model_path not set, you can load model later by load function.
static False

C++ defination code:

MUD(const char *model_path = nullptr)


def load(self, model_path: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model_path: direction [in], model file path, model format can be MUD(model universal describe file) file.
return error code, if load success, return err::ERR_NONE
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const std::string &model_path)


Model type, string type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string type


Model config items, different model type has different config items

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>> items


NN model layer info

C++ defination code:

class LayerInfo


def __init__(self, name: str = '', dtype: maix.tensor.DType = ..., shape: list[int] = []) -> None

LayerInfo constructor

item description
type func
param name: direction [in], layer name
dtype: direction [in], layer data type
shape: direction [in], layer shape
static False

C++ defination code:

LayerInfo(const std::string &name =  "", tensor::DType dtype = tensor::DType::FLOAT32, std::vector<int> shape = std::vector<int>())


Layer name

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string   name


Layer data type

item description
type var
attention If model is quantized, this is the real quantized data type like int8 float16,
in most scene, inputs and outputs we actually use float32 in API like forward.
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

tensor::DType dtype


Layer shape

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<int> shape


def shape_int(self) -> int

Shape as one int type, multiply all dims of shape

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

int shape_int()


def to_str(self) -> str

To string

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string to_str()


def __str__(self) -> str

To string

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string __str__()


Neural network class

C++ defination code:

class NN


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Neural network constructor

item description
type func
param model: direction [in], model file path, model format can be MUD(model universal describe file) file.
If model_path set, will load model from file, load failed will raise err.Exception.
If model_path not set, you can load model later by load function.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
static False

C++ defination code:

NN(const std::string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: direction [in], model file path, model format can be MUD(model universal describe file) file.
return error code, if load success, return err::ERR_NONE
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const std::string &model)


def loaded(self) -> bool

Is model loaded

item description
type func
return true if model loaded, else false
static False

C++ defination code:

bool loaded()


def set_dual_buff(self, enable: bool) -> None

Enable dual buff or disable dual buff

item description
type func
param enable: true to enable, false to disable
static False

C++ defination code:

void set_dual_buff(bool enable)


def inputs_info(self) -> list[LayerInfo]

Get model input layer info

item description
type func
return input layer info
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::LayerInfo> inputs_info()


def outputs_info(self) -> list[LayerInfo]

Get model output layer info

item description
type func
return output layer info
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::LayerInfo> outputs_info()


def extra_info(self) -> dict[str, str]

Get model extra info define in MUD file

item description
type func
return extra info, dict type, key-value object, attention: key and value are all string type.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::map<std::string, std::string> extra_info()


def forward(self, inputs: maix.tensor.Tensors, copy_result: bool = True, dual_buff_wait: bool = False) -> maix.tensor.Tensors

forward run model, get output of model,\nthis is specially for MaixPy, not efficient, but easy to use in MaixPy

item description
type func
param input: direction [in], input tensor
copy_result: If set true, will copy result to a new variable; else will use a internal memory, you can only use it until to the next forward.
Default true to avoid problems, you can set it to false manually to make speed faster.
dual_buff_wait: bool type, only for dual_buff mode, if true, will inference this image and wait for result, default false.
return output tensor. In C++, you should manually delete tensors in return value and return value.
If dual_buff mode, it can be NULL(None in MaixPy) means not ready.
throw if error ocurrs like no memory or arg error, will raise err.Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

tensor::Tensors *forward(tensor::Tensors &inputs, bool copy_result = true, bool dual_buff_wait = false)


def forward_image(self, img: maix.image.Image, mean: list[float] = [], scale: list[float] = [], fit: maix.image.Fit = ..., copy_result: bool = True, dual_buff_wait: bool = False) -> maix.tensor.Tensors

forward model, param is image

item description
type func
param img: input image
mean: mean value, a list type, e.g. [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], default is empty list means not normalize.
scale: scale value, a list type, e.g. [1/0.229, 1/0.224, 1/0.225], default is empty list means not normalize.
fit: fit mode, if the image size of input not equal to model's input, it will auto resize use this fit method,
default is image.Fit.FIT_FILL for easy coordinate calculation, but for more accurate result, use image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN is better.
copy_result: If set true, will copy result to a new variable; else will use a internal memory, you can only use it until to the next forward.
Default true to avoid problems, you can set it to false manually to make speed faster.
dual_buff_wait: bool type, only for dual_buff mode, if true, will inference this image and wait for result, default false.
return output tensor. In C++, you should manually delete tensors in return value and return value.
If dual_buff mode, it can be NULL(None in MaixPy) means not ready.
throw If error occurs, like arg error or alloc memory failed, will raise err.Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

tensor::Tensors *forward_image(image::Image &img, std::vector<float> mean = std::vector<float>(), std::vector<float> scale = std::vector<float>(), image::Fit fit = image::Fit::FIT_FILL, bool copy_result = true, bool dual_buff_wait = false)



C++ defination code:

class Classifier


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Construct a new Classifier object

item description
type func
param model: MUD model path, if empty, will not load model, you can call load() later.
if not empty, will load model and will raise err::Exception if load failed.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
static False

C++ defination code:

Classifier(const string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file, model format is .mud,\nMUD file should contain [extra] section, have key-values:\n- model_type: classifier\n- input_type: rgb or bgr\n- mean: 123.675, 116.28, 103.53\n- scale: 0.017124753831663668, 0.01750700280112045, 0.017429193899782137\n- labels: imagenet_classes.txt

item description
type func
param model: MUD model path
return error code, if load failed, return error code
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def classify(self, img: maix.image.Image, softmax: bool = True, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[tuple[int, float]]

Forward image to model, get result. Only for image input, use classify_raw for tensor input.

item description
type func
param img: image, format should match model input_type, or will raise err.Exception
softmax: if true, will do softmax to result, or will return raw value
fit: image resize fit mode, default Fit.FIT_COVER, see image.Fit.
throw If error occurred, will raise err::Exception, you can find reason in log, mostly caused by args error or hardware error.
return result, a list of (label, score). If in dual_buff mode, value can be one element list and score is zero when not ready. In C++, you need to delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> *classify(image::Image &img, bool softmax = true, image::Fit fit = image::FIT_COVER)


def classify_raw(self, data: maix.tensor.Tensor, softmax: bool = True) -> list[tuple[int, float]]

Forward tensor data to model, get result

item description
type func
param data: tensor data, format should match model input_type, or will raise err.Excetion
softmax: if true, will do softmax to result, or will return raw value
throw If error occurred, will raise err::Exception, you can find reason in log, mostly caused by args error or hardware error.
return result, a list of (label, score). In C++, you need to delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> *classify_raw(tensor::Tensor &data, bool softmax = true)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format, only for image input

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


def input_shape(self) -> list[int]

Get input shape, if have multiple input, only return first input shape

item description
type func
return input shape, list type
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<int> input_shape()


Labels list

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<string> labels


Label file path

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string label_path


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


NanoTrack class

C++ defination code:

class NanoTrack


def __init__(self, model: str = '') -> None

Constructor of NanoTrack class

item description
type func
param model: model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

NanoTrack(const string &model = "")


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: Model path want to load
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def init(self, img: maix.image.Image, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) -> None

Init tracker, give tacker first target image and target position.

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, target should be in this image.
x: the target position left top coordinate x.
y: the target position left top coordinate y.
w: the target width.
h: the target height.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

void init(image::Image &img, int x, int y, int w, int h)


def track(self, img: maix.image.Image, threshold: float = 0.9) -> ...

Track object acoording to last object position and the init function learned target feature.

item description
type func
param img: image to detect object and track, can be any resolution, before detect it will crop a area according to last time target's position.
threshold: If score < threshold, will see this new detection is invalid, but remain return this new detecion, default 0.9.
return object, position and score, and detect area in points's first 4 element(x, y, w, h, center_x, center_y, input_size, target_size)
static False

C++ defination code:

nn::Object track(image::Image &img, float threshold = 0.9)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


Object for detect result

C++ defination code:

class Object


def __init__(self, x: int = 0, y: int = 0, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, class_id: int = 0, score: float = 0, points: list[int] = []) -> None

Constructor of Object for detect result

item description
type func
param x: left top x
y: left top y
w: width
h: height
class_id: class id
score: score
static False

C++ defination code:

Object(int x = 0, int y = 0, int w = 0, int h = 0, int class_id = 0, float score = 0, std::vector<int> points = std::vector<int>())


def __str__(self) -> str

Object info to string

item description
type func
return Object info string
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string to_str()


Object left top coordinate x

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int x


Object left top coordinate y

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int y


Object width

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int w


Object height

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int h


Object class id

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int class_id


Object score

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float score



item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<int> points


segmentation mask, uint8 list type, shape is h * w but flattened to one dimension, value fron 0 to 255.

item description
type var
attention For efficiency, it's a pointer in C++, use this carefully!
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

image::Image *seg_mask


Object for detect result

C++ defination code:

class ObjectFloat


def __init__(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, w: float = 0, h: float = 0, class_id: float = 0, score: float = 0, points: list[float] = []) -> None

Constructor of Object for detect result

item description
type func
param x: left top x
y: left top y
w: width
h: height
class_id: class id
score: score
static False

C++ defination code:

ObjectFloat(float x = 0, float y = 0, float w = 0, float h = 0, float class_id = 0, float score = 0, std::vector<float> points = std::vector<float>())


def __str__(self) -> str

Object info to string

item description
type func
return Object info string
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string to_str()


Object left top coordinate x

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float x


Object left top coordinate y

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float y


Object width

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float w


Object height

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float h


Object class id

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float class_id


Object score

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float score



item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> points


Objects Class for detect result

C++ defination code:

class Objects


def __init__(self) -> None

Constructor of Objects class

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:



def add(self, x: int = 0, y: int = 0, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, class_id: int = 0, score: float = 0, points: list[int] = []) -> Object

Add object to objects

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

nn::Object *add(int x = 0, int y = 0, int w = 0, int h = 0, int class_id = 0, float score = 0, std::vector<int> points = std::vector<int>())


def remove(self, idx: int) -> maix.err.Err

Remove object form objects

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err remove(int idx)


def at(self, idx: int) -> Object

Get object item

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

nn::Object *at(int idx)


def __item__(self, idx: int) -> Object

Get object item

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

nn::Object *operator[](int idx)


def __len__(self) -> int

Get size

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

size_t size()


def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator


item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<Object*>::iterator begin()


YOLOv5 class

C++ defination code:

class YOLOv5


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Constructor of YOLOv5 class

item description
type func
param model: model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

YOLOv5(const string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: Model path want to load
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def detect(self, img: maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.5, iou_th: float = 0.45, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[Object]

Detect objects from image

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, if image's size not match model input's, will auto resize with fit method.
conf_th: Confidence threshold, default 0.5.
iou_th: IoU threshold, default 0.45.
fit: Resize method, default image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
return Object list. In C++, you should delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::Object> *detect(image::Image &img, float conf_th = 0.5, float iou_th = 0.45, maix::image::Fit fit = maix::image::FIT_CONTAIN)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


Labels list

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<string> labels


Label file path

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string label_path


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


Get anchors

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> anchors


Face object

C++ defination code:

class FaceObject


def __init__(self, x: int = 0, y: int = 0, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, class_id: int = 0, score: float = 0, points: list[int] = [], feature: list[float] = [], face: maix.image.Image = ...) -> None


item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

FaceObject(int x = 0, int y = 0, int w = 0, int h = 0, int class_id = 0, float score = 0, std::vector<int> points = std::vector<int>(), std::vector<float> feature = std::vector<float>(), image::Image face = image::Image())


def __str__(self) -> str

FaceObject info to string

item description
type func
return FaceObject info string
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string to_str()


FaceObject left top coordinate x

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int x


FaceObject left top coordinate y

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int y


FaceObject width

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int w


FaceObject height

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int h


FaceObject class id

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

int class_id


FaceObject score

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

float score



item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<int> points


feature, float list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> feature


face image

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

image::Image face


FaceRecognizer class

C++ defination code:

class FaceRecognizer


def __init__(self, detect_model: str = '', feature_model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Constructor of FaceRecognizer class

item description
type func
param detect_model: face detect model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
feature_model: feature extract model
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

FaceRecognizer(const string &detect_model = "", const string &feature_model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, detect_model: str, feature_model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param detect_model: face detect model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
feature_model: feature extract model
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &detect_model, const string &feature_model)


def recognize(self, img: maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.5, iou_th: float = 0.45, compare_th: float = 0.8, get_feature: bool = False, get_face: bool = False, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[FaceObject]

Detect objects from image

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, if image's size not match model input's, will auto resize with fit method.
conf_th: Detect confidence threshold, default 0.5.
iou_th: Detect IoU threshold, default 0.45.
compare_th: Compare two face score threshold, default 0.8, if two faces' score < this value, will see this face fas unknown.
get_feature: return feature or not, if true will copy features to result, if false will not copy feature to result to save time and memory.
get_face: return face image or not, if true result object's face attribute will valid, or face sttribute is empty. Get face image will alloc memory and copy image, so will lead to slower speed.
fit: Resize method, default image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
return FaceObject list. In C++, you should delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::FaceObject> *recognize(image::Image &img, float conf_th = 0.5, float iou_th = 0.45, float compare_th = 0.8, bool get_feature = false, bool get_face = false, maix::image::Fit fit = maix::image::FIT_CONTAIN)


def add_face(self, face: FaceObject, label: str) -> maix.err.Err

Add face to lib

item description
type func
param face: face object, find by recognize
label: face label(name)
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err add_face(nn::FaceObject *face, const std::string &label)


def remove_face(self, idx: int = -1, label: str = '') -> maix.err.Err

remove face from lib

item description
type func
param idx: index of face in lib, default -1 means use label, idx and label must have one, idx have high priotiry.
label: which face to remove, default to empty string mean use idx, idx and label must have one, idx have high priotiry.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err remove_face(int idx = -1, const std::string &label = "")


def save_faces(self, path: str) -> maix.err.Err

Save faces info to a file

item description
type func
param path: where to save, string type.
return err.Err type
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err save_faces(const std::string &path)


def load_faces(self, path: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load faces info from a file

item description
type func
param path: from where to load, string type.
return err::Err type
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load_faces(const std::string &path)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean_detector


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale_detector


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean_feature


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale_feature


labels, list type, first is "unknown"

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::string> labels



item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::vector<float>> features



C++ defination code:

class SelfLearnClassifier


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Construct a new SelfLearnClassifier object

item description
type func
param model: MUD model path, if empty, will not load model, you can call load_model() later.
if not empty, will load model and will raise err::Exception if load failed.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
static False

C++ defination code:

SelfLearnClassifier(const std::string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load_model(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file, model format is .mud,\nMUD file should contain [extra] section, have key-values:\n- model_type: classifier_no_top\n- input_type: rgb or bgr\n- mean: 123.675, 116.28, 103.53\n- scale: 0.017124753831663668, 0.01750700280112045, 0.017429193899782137

item description
type func
param model: MUD model path
return error code, if load failed, return error code
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load_model(const string &model)


def classify(self, img: maix.image.Image, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[tuple[int, float]]

Classify image

item description
type func
param img: image, format should match model input_type, or will raise err.Exception
fit: image resize fit mode, default Fit.FIT_COVER, see image.Fit.
throw If error occurred, will raise err::Exception, you can find reason in log, mostly caused by args error or hardware error.
return result, a list of (idx, distance), smaller distance means more similar. In C++, you need to delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> *classify(image::Image &img, image::Fit fit = image::FIT_COVER)


def add_class(self, img: maix.image.Image, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> None

Add a class to recognize

item description
type func
param img: Add a image as a new class
fit: image resize fit mode, default Fit.FIT_COVER, see image.Fit.
static False

C++ defination code:

void add_class(image::Image &img, image::Fit fit = image::FIT_COVER)


def class_num(self) -> int

Get class number

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

int class_num()


def rm_class(self, idx: int) -> maix.err.Err

Remove a class

item description
type func
param idx: index, value from 0 to class_num();
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err rm_class(int idx)


def add_sample(self, img: maix.image.Image, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> None

Add sample, you should call learn method after add some samples to learn classes.\nSample image can be any of classes we already added.

item description
type func
param img: Add a image as a new sample.
static False

C++ defination code:

void add_sample(image::Image &img, image::Fit fit = image::FIT_COVER)


def rm_sample(self, idx: int) -> maix.err.Err

Remove a sample

item description
type func
param idx: index, value from 0 to sample_num();
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err rm_sample(int idx)


def sample_num(self) -> int

Get sample number

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

int sample_num()


def learn(self) -> int

Start auto learn class features from classes image and samples.\nYou should call this method after you add some samples.

item description
type func
return learn epoch(times), 0 means learn nothing.
static False

C++ defination code:

int learn()


def clear(self) -> None

Clear all class and samples

item description
type func
static False

C++ defination code:

void clear()


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height, only for image input

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format, only for image input

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


def input_shape(self) -> list[int]

Get input shape, if have multiple input, only return first input shape

item description
type func
return input shape, list type
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<int> input_shape()


def save(self, path: str, labels: list[str] = []) -> maix.err.Err

Save features and labels to a binary file

item description
type func
param path: file path to save, e.g. /root/my_classes.bin
labels: class labels, can be None, or length must equal to class num, or will return err::Err
return maix.err.Err if labels exists but length not equal to class num, or save file failed, or class num is 0.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err save(const std::string &path, const std::vector<std::string> &labels = std::vector<std::string>())


def load(self, path: str) -> list[str]

Load features info from binary file

item description
type func
param path: feature info binary file path, e.g. /root/my_classes.bin
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::string> load(const std::string &path)


Labels list

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<string> labels


Label file path

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string label_path


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


FaceDetector class

C++ defination code:

class FaceDetector


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Constructor of FaceDetector class

item description
type func
param model: model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

FaceDetector(const string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: Model path want to load
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def detect(self, img: maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.5, iou_th: float = 0.45, fit: maix.image.Fit = ...) -> list[Object]

Detect objects from image

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, if image's size not match model input's, will auto resize with fit method.
conf_th: Confidence threshold, default 0.5.
iou_th: IoU threshold, default 0.45.
fit: Resize method, default image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
return Object list. In C++, you should delete it after use.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<nn::Object> *detect(image::Image &img, float conf_th = 0.5, float iou_th = 0.45, maix::image::Fit fit = maix::image::FIT_CONTAIN)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale


YOLOv8 class

C++ defination code:

class YOLOv8


def __init__(self, model: str = '', dual_buff: bool = True) -> None

Constructor of YOLOv8 class

item description
type func
param model: model path, default empty, you can load model later by load function.
dual_buff: direction [in], prepare dual input output buffer to accelarate forward, that is, when NPU is forwarding we not wait and prepare the next input buff.
If you want to ensure every time forward output the input's result, set this arg to false please.
Default true to ensure speed.
throw If model arg is not empty and load failed, will throw err::Exception.
static False

C++ defination code:

YOLOv8(const string &model = "", bool dual_buff = true)


def load(self, model: str) -> maix.err.Err

Load model from file

item description
type func
param model: Model path want to load
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err load(const string &model)


def detect(self, img: maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.5, iou_th: float = 0.45, fit: maix.image.Fit = ..., keypoint_th: float = 0.5) -> Objects

Detect objects from image

item description
type func
param img: Image want to detect, if image's size not match model input's, will auto resize with fit method.
conf_th: Confidence threshold, default 0.5.
iou_th: IoU threshold, default 0.45.
fit: Resize method, default image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN.
keypoint_th: keypoint threshold, default 0.5, only for yolov8-pose model.
throw If image format not match model input format, will throw err::Exception.
return Object list. In C++, you should delete it after use.
If model is yolov8-pose, object's points have value, and if points' value < 0 means that point is invalid(conf < keypoint_th).
static False

C++ defination code:

nn::Objects *detect(image::Image &img, float conf_th = 0.5, float iou_th = 0.45, maix::image::Fit fit = maix::image::FIT_CONTAIN, float keypoint_th = 0.5)


def input_size(self) -> maix.image.Size

Get model input size

item description
type func
return model input size
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Size input_size()


def input_width(self) -> int

Get model input width

item description
type func
return model input size of width
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_width()


def input_height(self) -> int

Get model input height

item description
type func
return model input size of height
static False

C++ defination code:

int input_height()


def input_format(self) -> maix.image.Format

Get input image format

item description
type func
return input image format, image::Format type.
static False

C++ defination code:

image::Format input_format()


def draw_pose(self, img: maix.image.Image, points: list[int], radius: int = 4, color: maix.image.Color = ..., body: bool = True) -> None

Draw pose keypoints on image

item description
type func
param img: image object, maix.image.Image type.
points: keypoits, int list type, [x, y, x, y ...]
radius: radius of points.
color: color of points.
body: true, if points' length is 17*2 and body is ture, will draw lines as human body, if set to false won't draw lines, default true.
static False

C++ defination code:

void draw_pose(image::Image &img, std::vector<int> points, int radius = 4, image::Color color = image::COLOR_RED, bool body = true)


def draw_seg_mask(self, img: maix.image.Image, x: int, y: int, seg_mask: maix.image.Image, threshold: int = 127) -> None

Draw segmentation on image

item description
type func
param img: image object, maix.image.Image type.
seg_mask: segmentation mask image by detect method, a grayscale image
threshold: only mask's value > threshold will be draw on image, value from 0 to 255.
static False

C++ defination code:

void draw_seg_mask(image::Image &img, int x, int y, image::Image &seg_mask, int threshold = 127)


Labels list

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<string> labels


Label file path

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::string label_path


Get mean value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> mean


Get scale value, list type

item description
type var
static False
readonly False

C++ defination code:

std::vector<float> scale