FFT operation

FFT fast Fourier transform module, which performs Fourier transform on input data and returns the corresponding frequency amplitude. FFT fast Fourier operation can convert time domain signal into frequency domain signal

Module function

Operation function

Input time domain data and perform Fourier transform

import FFT
res = FFT.run(data, points, shift)


  • data: input time domain data, bytearray type

  • points: FFT calculation points, only supports 64, 128, 256 and 512 points

  • shift: shift, default is 0

return value

res: Returns the calculated frequency domain data, presented as a list type. The list has points tuples, each tuple has 2 elements, the first element is the real part, and the second is Imaginary part

Frequency function


res = FFT.freq(points, sample_rate)


  • points: Calculate points

  • sample_rate: sample rate

return value

res: return a list, the list stores the frequency values ​​of all frequency points after the operation

Amplitude function

Used to calculate the amplitude of each frequency point after FFT operation. It is currently used as a test. Users can write their own amplitude processing functions in python

amp = FFT.amplitude(FFT_res)


FFT_res: the result of function run

return value

res: Return a list that stores the amplitude of each frequency point


Collect sound and perform FFT calculation, and display the calculated data as a histogram on the screen

Example code: https://github.com/sipeed/MaixPy-v1_scripts/blob/master/hardware/demo_fft_spectrum.py