MaixCAM MaixPy Audio Record

Update history
Date Version Author Update content
2025-01-24 1.0.1 lxowalle
  • Update the usage instructions for the audio module.
2024-05-20 1.0.0 lxowalle Initial document


This document provides instructions on how to use the recording feature, supporting the recording of audio in both PCM and WAV formats.

PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a digital audio encoding format used to convert analog audio signals into digital signals. It is also the commonly required format for general hardware processing.

WAV (Waveform Audio File Format) is a popular audio file format. It is typically used to store uncompressed PCM audio data but also supports other encoding formats.

The MaixCAM board comes with a built-in microphone, so you can directly use the recording feature.

How to use

Record an Audio File in PCM/WAV Format

If you don't pass path when constructing a Recorder object, it will only record audio and not save it to a file, but you can save it to a file manually.

from maix import audio

r = audio.Recorder("/root/test.wav")
print(f"channel: {}")
print(f"sample rate: {r.sample_rate()}")



  1. Import the audio, time and app modules:

    from maix import audio, time, app
  2. Initialize Recorder

    r = audio.Recorder("/root/test.wav")
    • Note that the default sample rate is 48k, the sample format is little-endian format - signed 16-bit, and the sample channel is 1. You can also customise the parameters like this r = audio.Recorder(sample_rate=48000, format=audio.Format.FMT_S16_LE, channel = 1). So far only tested with sample rate 16000 and 48000, format FMT_S16_LE, and number of sampling channels 1.

    • r.volume(100) is used to set the volume, the volume range is [0,100]

  3. Start recording

    • Record audio for 3000 milliseconds.

    • This function will block until the recording is complete.

  4. Done

Record an Audio File in PCM/WAV Format (Non-blocking)

When developing applications, if you need to record audio but do not want the recording function to occupy time for other applications, you can enable non-blocking mode.

from maix import audio, app, time

r = audio.Recorder("/root/test.wav", block=False)

while not app.need_exit():
    data = r.record(50)
    // Your application



  1. In non-blocking recording, you need to use the reset(True) function to enable the audio stream and the reset(False) function to stop the audio stream.

  2. The length of the audio data returned by record may not match the input time. For example, if you request to record 50ms of audio but only 20ms of data is ready in the audio buffer, then record(50) will only return 20ms of audio data.

  3. If you want the audio data returned by record() to match the input parameter, you can wait until the buffer has enough audio data before reading.

    remaining_frames = r.get_remaining_frames()
    need_frames = 50 * r.sample_rate() / 1000
    if remaining_frames > need_frames:
        data = r.record(50)

    Use the get_remaining_frames() function to get the number of remaining frames in the receive buffer. Note that this returns the number of frames, not bytes. Use sample_rate() to get the audio sample rate and calculate the actual number of frames to read.

Obtain Real-time PCM Audio Stream

When developing applications that need to process audio data, you may not need to save files but only require the raw PCM stream. To achieve this, simply do not provide a path when creating the Recorder. Of course, you can also enable non-blocking mode.

from maix import audio, app, time

r = audio.Recorder(block=False)

while not app.need_exit():
    data = r.record(50)
    print(f'record {len(data)} bytes')
    // Your application

The code logic is essentially the same as above.