MaixPy FP5510 Instructions

Update history
Date Version Author Update content
2024-12-02 1.0.0 lxowalle Initial document


The FP5510 is a single 10-bit DAC with a 120mA output current voice coil motor, specifically designed for autofocus operations. It is commonly used in cameras, smartphones, and other electronic devices requiring focus adjustments.

Using FP5510 in MaixPy

MaixPy supports the operation of the FP5510 through the FP5510 object.

Example Code:

from maix.ext_dev import fp5510

fp = fp5510.FP5510()

position = fp.get_pos()
print(f'set position to {position}')

  • Use the fp5510.FP5510() method to construct an object for controlling the fp5510. Typically, the FP5510 may have slave addresses of 0x0e or 0x0c. You can specify the slave address via the slave_addr parameter, e.g.:

    Note: If the address of fp5510 is found to change between 0x0e and 0x0c, it may be because the FP5510 shares a reset pin with the camera. When the reset pin is enabled, the FP5510 address is 0x0c. When the reset pin is disabled, the FP5510 address changes to 0x0e.

    fp = fp5510.FP5510(slave_addr = 0x0c)
  • Use the set_pos method of the FP5510 class to set the position of the voice coil motor. The range is [0, 1023]. For example:

  • Use the get_pos method of the FP5510 class to get the position of the voice coil motor. For example:

    position = fp.get_pos()
    print(f'set position to {position}')