Adding a C/C++ Module to MaixCAM MaixPy


Sometimes you need to execute a function efficiently, and Python's speed is insufficient. In such cases, you can implement the function using C/C++ or other compiled languages.

General Function Wrapping

If the function you want to wrap does not depend on other features of MaixPy, you can directly use the general methods for adding modules to Python using C/C++. You can search for methods like ffi or ctype on the internet.

PRs are welcome to add more methods.

If Your Module Needs to Depend on Other MaixPy Basic APIs

Method 1

Directly modify the MaixPy firmware and then compile it. Refer to View MaixPy API Source Code. This method is the simplest and fastest. If the code is well-packaged, it can be merged into the official repository (by submitting a PR).

  • Follow Compiling MaixPy Source Code to get the dist/***.whl installation package.
  • Send the .whl package from the dist directory to the device, then run the code import os; os.system("pip install /root/xxxxx.whl") (replace the path accordingly).
  • If installing the .whl package is too slow during debugging, you can use maixcdk build to compile and then use scp -r maix_xxx root@ to directly copy it to the device system to overwrite the package. Adjust the package name and device IP as needed.
  • Once you have finished debugging and feel that the features you added are valuable, consider merging them into the official repository. You can learn how to do this by searching for keywords like "github submit PR" on search engines.

Modifying the code:
As described in View MaixPy API Source Code, you can view and modify the source code, add C++ functions, and include comments. After compiling, you can call them in MaixPy. It's very simple.

For example:

namespace maix::test
     * My function, add two integers.
     * @param a arg a, int type
     * @param b arg b, int type
     * @return int type, a + b
     * @maixpy maix.test.add
    int add(int a, int b);

Yes, simply write a C++ function. Note the @maixpy comment. During compilation, a Python function will be automatically generated. It's that simple! Then you can call the function with maix.test.add(1, 2).

Method 2

Create a MaixPy module project based on an engineering template. This method is suitable for adding a package without modifying the MaixPy source code and still using MaixPy (MaixCDK) APIs. The method is as follows:

  • First, compile MaixPy source code to ensure the compilation environment is set up correctly.
  • Copy the MaixPy/tools/maix_module project template to a new directory. It can be in the same directory as MaixPy. For example, copy all files and directories to the maix_xxx directory.
  • In the maix_xxx directory, run python in the terminal to initialize the project files.
  • Change the project name: Modify the module_name.txt file to the desired module name, starting with maix_. This makes it easier for others to find your project on or
  • Run python bdist_wheel linux in the project root directory to build for the computer.
  • After building, you can directly run python -c "import maix_xxx; maix_xxx.basic.print('Li Hua')" in the project root directory to test your module functions.
  • Run bdist_wheel maixcam to build the package for MaixCAM. Note that the code prompt file (pyi file) can only be generated when building for the linux platform. Therefore, before releasing, first build for the linux platform to generate the code prompt file, then execute this command to generate the package for the MaixCAM platform.
  • Send the .whl package from the dist directory to the device, then run import os; os.system("pip install /root/xxxxx.whl") (replace the path accordingly).
  • If installing the .whl package is too slow during debugging, you can use maixcdk build to compile and then use scp -r maix_xxx root@ to directly copy it to the device system to overwrite the package. Adjust the package name and device IP as needed.
  • Once you have debugged your code, consider open-sourcing it on and uploading it to You can refer to the official documentation or search for tutorials on how to upload. Generally, you need to run pip install twine and then twine upload dist/maix_xxx***.whl. After completing this, feel free to share your achievements on!

Modifying the code:
As described in View MaixPy API Source Code, add source files in the components/maix/include and components/maix/src directories, add C++ functions, and include comments. After compiling, you can call them directly. It's very simple.

For example:

namespace maix_xxx::test
     * My function, add two integers.
     * @param a arg a, int type
     * @param b arg b, int type
     * @return int type, a + b
     * @maix_xxx maix_xxx.test.add
    int add(int a, int b);

Yes, simply write a C++ function. Note the @maix_xxx comment. During compilation, a Python function will be automatically generated. It's that simple! Then you can call the function with maix_xxx.test.add(1, 2).