MaixCAM MaixPy Maix Application Communication Protocol

Communication Protocol Overview

In order for two devices to communicate stably, there are typically several layers, starting from the bottom:

  • Hardware Layer: For example, UART uses three wires: TX, RX, and GND. It can also be wireless, such as with WiFi.
  • Transport Layer: Uses transmission control protocols to ensure stable data transmission, such as the UART protocol, which specifies baud rate, stop bits, and parity bits to ensure correct data transmission. The TCP protocol works similarly.
  • Application Layer: The data obtained from the transport layer is stream data (simply put, a long string of data without punctuation). To help the application understand what the data means, the application typically defines its own communication protocol for the application layer to structure the transmitted content (you can think of this as adding punctuation to the stream of data to make it easier for the receiver to understand the sentence structure).

For example:
The application layer protocol specifies that a data packet begins with a $ symbol.
A sends two data packets to B: $12345$67890. After receiving it, B knows that A has sent two packets, 12345 and 67890. Without this protocol, if A sends 12345 followed by 67890, since the data is transmitted as a stream, B might receive 1234567890, making it unclear whether one or two packets were sent.

Character Protocol vs. Binary Protocol

Character Protocol:
In the previous example, we used $ to mark the beginning of each packet. If we want to send the number 123, we simply send the string $123, which is human-readable. The receiver needs to convert the string 123 to an int type. For example, in C language:

int value;
sscanf(buff, "$%d", &value);

Binary Protocol:
In a character protocol, sending the number 123 takes 4 bytes, and the receiver has to parse the string to convert it into an integer type. In a binary protocol, we can reduce the number of bytes transmitted and make it easier for the receiver to handle. We can simply send 0x24 0x7B. 0x24 is the hexadecimal representation of the $ symbol (refer to the ASCII table), and 0x7B is the hexadecimal representation of the decimal number 123. This uses only two bytes to transmit the same information that required 4 bytes in the character protocol. The receiver can directly read the second byte 0x7B and use its value, such as in C language:

uint8_t value = buff[1];

This is just a simple explanation to help you understand the two protocols. In practice, each has its advantages depending on the specific use case, and other factors, such as checksum values, may also be considered. You can explore more and learn about it in the Maix Communication Protocol Practice section below.

Maix Application Communication Protocol

The Maix Application Communication Protocol is an application layer protocol that uses UART or TCP as the transport layer.

It defines how the two parties communicate and the format in which data is transmitted, making it easier to parse and identify information. It is a binary protocol that includes frame headers, data content, checksums, etc.

The complete protocol definition is available in the Maix Application Communication Protocol Standard (included in the MaixCDK documentation because MaixCDK also uses this protocol).

If you have no prior experience with communication protocols, it might seem a bit difficult, but by reviewing the examples below a few times, you should be able to understand it. In MaixPy, the API is already encapsulated, making it very simple to use. For other microcontrollers or chips, you may need to implement this protocol yourself, and you can refer to the appendix of the Maix Application Communication Protocol Standard to check for any corresponding implementations.

For example, if we are performing object detection and want to send the detected object information (such as type and coordinates) via UART to another device (e.g., STM32 or Arduino microcontroller), here’s how it can be done.

Full Example: MaixPy/examples/protocol/

First, we need to detect the objects, based on the yolov5 detection example. Here, we’ll skip other details and focus on how the detection results look:

while not app.need_exit():
    img =
    objs = detector.detect(img, conf_th = 0.5, iou_th = 0.45)
    for obj in objs:
        img.draw_rect(obj.x, obj.y, obj.w, obj.h, color = image.COLOR_RED)
        msg = f'{detector.labels[obj.class_id]}: {obj.score:.2f}'
        img.draw_string(obj.x, obj.y, msg, color = image.COLOR_RED)

You can see that objs is a list of detection results. Here, we draw bounding boxes on the screen, but we can also send these results via UART.

We don't need to manually initialize the UART; we can directly use the built-in maix.comm, maix.protocol modules. By calling comm.CommProtocol, the UART is automatically initialized, with a default baud rate of 115200. Communication protocol settings can be configured in the device's System Settings -> Communication Protocol. There might also be other communication methods, such as TCP, with the default set to UART. You can check the current setting by using"comm", "method").

from maix import comm, protocol, app
from maix.err import Err
import struct

def encode_objs(objs):
        Encode objects info to bytes body for protocol
        2B x(LE) + 2B y(LE) + 2B w(LE) + 2B h(LE) + 2B idx ...
    body = b""
    for obj in objs:
        body += struct.pack("<hhHHH", obj.x, obj.y, obj.w, obj.h, obj.class_id)
    return body

APP_CMD_ECHO = 0x01        # Custom command 1, for testing, not used here, just reserved
APP_CMD_DETECT_RES = 0x02  # Custom command 2, send detected object information
                           # You can define more custom commands for your application

p = comm.CommProtocol(buff_size = 1024)

while not app.need_exit():
    # ...
    objs = detector.detect(img, conf_th = 0.5, iou_th = 0.45)
    if len(objs) > 0:
        body = encode_objs(objs), body)
    # ...

In the encode_objs function, we pack the detected object information into a bytes type data. Then, using the function, we send the result.

The body content is simply defined as 2B x(LE) + 2B y(LE) + 2B w(LE) + 2B h(LE) + 2B idx ..., where:

  • For each object, we send 10 bytes (2 bytes for each of the x, y, w, h, and class_id coordinates). The x coordinate is represented as a short integer, encoded in little-endian (LE) format.
  • The loop encodes all objects and concatenates them into one byte array (bytes).

When calling the report function, the protocol header, checksum, and other details are automatically added at the lower level, resulting in a complete data frame ready to be received.

On the receiving end, you can decode the data according to the protocol. If the receiver is also using MaixPy, you can directly use:

while not app.need_exit():
    msg = p.get_msg()
    if msg and msg.is_report and msg.cmd == APP_CMD_DETECT_RES:
        print("Received objects:", decode_objs(msg.get_body()))
        p.resp_ok(msg.cmd, b'1')

If the device is something like an STM32 or Arduino, you can refer to the C language functions in the appendix of the Maix Application Communication Protocol Standard for encoding and decoding.