Using AI Models for Object Classification in MaixCAM MaixPy

Object Classification Concept

For example, if there are two images in front of you, one with an apple and the other with an airplane, the task of object classification is to input these two images into an AI model one by one. The model will then output two results, one for apple and one for airplane.

Using Object Classification in MaixPy

MaixPy provides a pre-trained 1000 classification model based on the imagenet dataset, which can be used directly:

from maix import camera, display, image, nn

classifier = nn.Classifier(model="/root/models/mobilenetv2.mud", dual_buff = True)
cam = camera.Camera(classifier.input_width(), classifier.input_height(), classifier.input_format())
dis = display.Display()

while 1:
    img =
    res = classifier.classify(img)
    max_idx, max_prob = res[0]
    msg = f"{max_prob:5.2f}: {classifier.labels[max_idx]}"
    img.draw_string(10, 10, msg, image.COLOR_RED)

Result video:

Here, the camera captures an image, which is then passed to the classifier for recognition. The result is displayed on the screen.

For more API usage, refer to the documentation for the maix.nn module.

dual_buff Dual Buffer Acceleration

You may have noticed that the model initialization uses dual_buff (which defaults to True). Enabling the dual_buff parameter can improve running efficiency and increase the frame rate. For detailed principles and usage notes, see dual_buff Introduction.

Training Your Own Classification Model

Please go to MaixHub to learn and train classification models. When creating a project, select Classification Model.