Using TOF Modules for Distance Measurement and Terrain Detection with MaixCAM and MaixPy


Single ToF effect:

ToF and visible light fusion effect:

This APP has been integrated into the MaixCAM Release image. Install the supported module and launch the ToF Camera APP to use it.

APP Installation Link

Source Code Link

Supported List

  • PMOD_TOF100

Purchase Inquiry Link


PMOD_TOF100 is a 100x100 TOF module that can be used for distance measurement or terrain detection. Module parameters:

Parameter Name Value
Resolution 100x100, 50x50, 25x25
Range 0.2~2.5m
Field of View 70°H x 60°V
Laser Emitter 940nm VCSEL
Frame Rate 5~20fps

After installing the PMOD_TOF100 module, you can use the API provided by MaixPy to obtain the distance data matrix, pseudo-color images, and the minimum, maximum, and center distance values and their corresponding coordinates from the latest frame data. For details, see Module API Documentation.

You can also refer to our demo APP to write your application code.

Sipeed offers two additional TOF modules for distance measurement, which can be purchased and used with serial communication.