Reading Temperature and Humidity Sensors with MaixCAM MaixPy


By attaching a temperature and humidity sensor module to the MaixCAM, you can easily measure the environmental temperature and humidity. Here, we use the Si7021 sensor as an example, which can be driven using I2C. For other sensors, you can request drivers from the manufacturer and use I2C or SPI to read data from them.

Note: The power supply should be 3.3V. Connecting it to 5V may cause damage.

Connect the SCL / SDA pins of the sensor to the corresponding SCL / SDA pins on the MaixCAM. For instance, on I2C5, this corresponds to A15(SCL) / A27(SDA).


The complete code can be found in the MaixPy/examples/ext_dev/sensors directory. Look for the si7021 example.

Note: The system image version must be >= 2024.6.3_maixpy_v4.2.1.