Practical Projects with MaixCAM MaixPy, Introduction and Collection


Here we provide some common practical project examples for community members to refer to and replicate for use. This also helps to inspire everyone to create more and better applications and projects.

There are several ways to find projects implemented with MaixPy:

MaixPy Official Documentation

You can find practical projects in the documentation on the left, such as "Line Following Car."

If you have a good project or a recommended project, you can also contribute by adding it to the documentation.

MaixHub Project Sharing Square

Projects can be found in the MaixHub Project Sharing section.

High-quality shares will also be linked to the MaixPy official documentation.

You can also share your project-making methods, which will receive official rewards (guaranteed) and cash tips from community members (usually, high-quality projects that meet urgent needs are more likely to be tipped).

Recommend Projects:

MaixHub App Sharing

In addition to project sharing, you can also find directly runnable applications at the MaixHub App Store, some of which might be written in MaixPy. If the author has provided the source code or written detailed tutorials, these can also be referred to.

Recommend Projects: