MaixCAM MaixPy Add extra Python packages.


MaixPy is based on the Python language and provides a wide range of functionalities and APIs for embedded application development. In addition to this, you can also use other Python packages to extend its functionality.

Installing Additional Python Packages

Please note that not all Python packages are supported. Generally, only pure Python packages are supported, not C extension packages. C extension packages may require you to manually cross-compile them on a computer (which is quite complex and won't be covered here).

Method 1: Installing Using Python Code

You can install the package you need in MaixVision using Python code, for example:

import os
os.system("pip install package_name")

To update a package, you can use:

import os
os.system("pip install --upgrade package_name")

Method 2: Installing Using the Terminal and pip Command

Follow the terminal usage method introduced in Linux Basics and use pip install package_name to install the package you need.

Packages That Cannot Be Installed Directly with pip

pip on the device can install programs written in pure Python. However, for libraries that use other languages like C++ at the lower level, there are generally no precompiled packages available due to the unique nature of MaixCAM RISC-V.


  • Method 1: Find the source code of the corresponding package, cross-compile it into a .whl installation package on your computer, and then copy it to the device and use pip install xxxx.whl to install it. The toolchain used for compilation is the same as the one used by MaixCDK.
  • Method 2: According to the compilation system, before compiling, you can execute make menuconfig in the buildroot directory to check if the Python interpreter's extra packages contain the software you need. After selecting it, you can recompile the system image to include the package.

If you successfully compile and test a package using Method 2 and find it necessary to integrate into the system, feel free to provide feedback through issues.