Network Settings for MaixPy MaixCAM WiFi Configuration

1. Introduction#

To enable MaixCAM to use the network, it first needs to connect to the network via WiFi. MaixCAM provides several methods to connect to a WiFi hotspot.

2. Using the Built-in Settings Application#

After powering on, enter the Settings application and select the WiFi function. You can connect by sharing a WiFi QR code from your phone or by generating a QR code at and scanning it. Alternatively, you can manually scan for WiFi hotspots and enter the password to connect.

Once connected successfully and the DHCP assigns an IP address, the IP will be displayed on the screen.

3. Connecting via MaixPy#

from maix import network, err

w = network.wifi.Wifi()
print("IP:", w.get_ip())

SSID = "Sipeed_Guest"
PASSWORD = "qwert123"
print("Connecting to", SSID)

e = w.connect(SSID, PASSWORD, wait=True, timeout=60)
err.check_raise(e, "Failed to connect to WiFi")
print("IP:", w.get_ip())

4. DNS Server Configuration#

In practice, some users may find that their router's DNS resolution cannot resolve certain domain names. Therefore, the default system sets the DNS servers in the /boot/resolv.conf file:

nameserver # China
nameserver # Aliyun China
nameserver # Google
nameserver # Google
nameserver # Aliyun China

Generally, there is no need to modify this file. If you encounter DNS resolution issues, you can modify this file.

The actual configuration file used by the system is located at /etc/resolv.conf. This file is automatically copied from /boot/resolv.conf at startup. Therefore, the simplest solution after modification is to reboot.

If you prefer not to reboot, you need to modify both files simultaneously.