Configuration File

Update history
Date Version Author Update content
2024-8-13 v0.1 xwj
  • Release docs

The configuration file is located at /etc/kvm/server.yaml.

The default configuration file content:

protocol: http
  http: 80
  https: 443
  crt: server.crt
  key: server.key
  • protocol: Network protocol, either http or https
  • port: The port on which the service runs
    • When the protocol is http, the service will use the port.http port
    • When the protocol is https, the service will use the port.https port
    • When the protocol is https, you need to prefix the address with https:// in the browser (e.g.,
    • If you change the port, please include the port in the browser address. For example, if you change port.http to 8080, the browser address will be
    • Do not set the port to 0. If the service detects the port is 0, it will override the current configuration file with the default settings
  • cert: Service certificate. This parameter must be configured if the protocol is set to https
    • crt: Path to the certificate file
    • key: Path to the private key file

Note: Enabling https increases CPU usage, which may cause video stuttering.